Archive for March 2007

Been Busy

March 4, 2007

I’ve been so busy lately working inside and outside of the home it’s hard to strike a balance. I took the kids and our three dogs out for a walk today.

I sounded like quit the drill Sergeant, “come, sit, stay, stay……Henry wait up, Eva hurry up, Maxie Dancer Whistle come”.

Phew walking was not the hardest part of that exercise it was keeping everyone together and the dogs out of our neighbors yards and out of trouble.

There was a lovely sunset though. I’m excited about the up coming equinox I have to think of some way for us to celebrate it.

xo peace

Kid Get Creative

March 3, 2007

Here is Eva’s creation.

Just in case you can’t tell she told me it’s a bunny rabbit.

Henry loves to put his other toys into is play doh, he’s very multi media.

More pictures of kids having fun.

It was a great day with the kids yesterday everyone was so mellow and pleasant. We are going to the park today, I’m going to take more pictures.