Archive for the ‘My Sponsored Child’ Category

Sponsoring A Child

February 4, 2007

This May it will be a year since we started sponsoring a little girl from Mali, Africa. She is about a year older then my youngest daughter Eva. She’s about four years old ( I don’t know her exact birth date). What struck me when I first got all the information about her and her family is that she had both parents and was lucky enough not to be an orphan. I felt so happy for her when I read that. Actually her sponsorship was a Father’s Day gift to my Husband. 🙂 He liked it and thought it was pretty cool. And truth be told he’d practically forgotton Mother’s Day so I did not feel like spoiling him so he didn’t get much else. ha ha ha But it’s all for a great cause, so no harm done.

I did get a letter from her father it was very pleasant and generally he spoke about the climate in their region. It was great to get the letter but I’ve stalled in my reply because I don’t really know what to say. Finally today I was thinking I could write about her climate and geography. I’m thinking of sending a picture of the kids to. I worry about offending them or sounding snobby in my letter.

It feels so good though knowing that Minata will have health care and an education because of our sponsorship and the many others who sponsor children to. The sponsorship money goes to the community efforts and not directly to the family. Foster Parents Plan (FPP) plans with the community to find out what the needs of the community are, I like the fact they take the time in getting the input of the community they work in. FPP is not affiliated with any religious organization and is child centered. That’s another huge plus for me.

I can actually send my letter to her family via e-mail which is nice and a lot faster too. Well I think I wrote this post to get me going to write that letter and to let people now how wonderful it is sponsor a child. If you want to check out child sponsorship click Here.